We are present in 370 locations across the country and still expanding. BENU is the largest pharmacy chain in Serbia and a part of the large international company PHOENIX from Germany, with over 2400 pharmacies u 14 European countries. Continuous training and education of its pharmacists on the latest achievements of medicine and pharmacology with the aim of providing the best possible advice to customers is what sets BENU apart from its competitors. BENU operates in accordance with the latest European standards in supply, distribution, storage and display of medicines and medical products, all with the aim of providing maximum safety to its customers.
BENU pharmacies are characterized by a new and modern approach to pharmaceutical services in the area of medical protection and prevention. Adapting to the requirements of a contemporary consumer, BENU pharmacy offers the possibility to research products independently, in consultation with professional pharmacists and in compliance with the principles of good pharmaceutical practice.
BENU brand is recognizable for its unique style of product display and appealing contemporary interior design of the pharmacy, combination of simple form, convenience and warmth which create a welcoming ambience in every BENU store. Display of products in BENU pharmacies is based on open pharmacy concept, free space and direct access to a high-quality range of products.
Professional and helpful BENU staff will offer the best advice and facilitate selection of products, taking into account the specific needs of each customer.
The range of our products is comprehensive and adjusted to the needs of the market, clients and seasonality. BENU’s assortment includes a number of categories organized in an orderly and accessible manner. Open space of our pharmacies allows every client to gain additional information and knowledge about cosmetics and other care products, dietary supplements, etc. The choice is on our clients, and it’s up to us to enable them to select the right product, in the right ambience, at the right time.