OVS S.p.A. is the leading company in the Italian women’s, men’s and kids’ apparel market. It operates multiple fashion brands including OVS, OVS Kids,
Stefanel, PIOMBO, Upim, BluKids, CROFF. The Company is the largest manufacturer and retailer of private label apparel in Italy, progressively evolving its business model into a “phygital” marketplace, serving as a platform also for third parties brands. It has a partnership agreement with GAP to run its store in Italy.
Undisputable market leader with more than 9,4% of market share in Italy at Mar23, OVS S.p.A. counts over 2,000 stores in Italy and overseas with net sales
of 1,359 million euros in 2021. It was floated on the Italian Stock Exchange in March 2015.